
25 March 2013

The Seven Last Words of Christ: The Second Word

“Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
Luke 23:43

Francesco Allegrini (?), Christ Crucified with the Good Thief, 1615/20

Lord, when you were crucified with the criminals, “reckoned among the transgressors” (Lk. 22:37), you welcomed the thief as your companion.  You were despised and rejected by others, but he looked on you and desired that you remember him; they hid their faces from you, but he turned his face to you (cf. Isa. 53:2–3).  The foolish mocked you, “thou Wisdom from on high,” but you taught him the way of prudence, and, fearing you, he confessed.  The others proudly taunted you as the King of the Jews, but he meekly recognized you as having a kingdom.  He knew you—who were unjustly condemned—were justified when you spoke to him of his transgressions (Ps. 51:5, 3),   He heard your voice and his heart was not hard, and you brought him into your rest (Ps. 95:8, 11).

Loving him to the end, you rejoiced over his repentance, saying to him:
If you used once to be a companion of murderers, behold, I who am the life of all have now made you a companion with me. You used once to walk in the night with the sons of darkness; behold I who am the light of the whole world have now made you walk with me. You used once to take counsel with murderers; behold, I who am the Creator have made you a companion with me.*

Lord, he was hanging near to you on his cross, when you took him home from his long exile to Yourself.  Merciful Jesus, number us also with him as your companion.
Through a tree Adam lost his home in paradise, but through the tree of the cross the thief came there to dwell.  By tasting of the fruit, the first broke the Creator's commandment, but He Who was crucified with You confessed You, the hidden God.  Remember us also, Savior, in Your kingdom!
Lifted up on the Cross, destroying the power of death and as God wiping out the record against us, O Lord, only Lover of humankind, grant the repentance of the Thief also to us who worship in faith, Christ our God, and who cry to you, ‘Remember us also, Saviour, in your kingdom.'
* Theophilus of Alexandria (385–412, Coptic), Homily on the Crucifixion and the Good Thief.
† Cf. Anselm of Canterbury, Twelfth Meditation59.
‡ From the Orthodox Matins on Holy and Great Friday (tr. Archimandrite Ephrem).

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